Going to the beach is so much fun! Playing in the water with the beautiful sea view can make you lose track of time. And those lush trees along the shoreline just add to the peaceful vibe.
At the beach, you can do all sorts of cool stuff – building sandcastles, swimming, and even snorkeling. But make sure whatever you do doesn’t mess with other visitors’ good times.
So, here are a few simple things that you shouldn’t do when you’re vacationing at the beach. Check them out:

Avoid when on the beach
Ignoring the rules.
There are some rules, both written and unwritten, that we should follow while at the beach. These rules are there to keep everyone safe and comfortable. Breaking them might get you a warning. Not every beach has the exact same rules, but isn’t looking out for your safety and the safety of others just being responsible?
Shaking out sandy towels and blankets in the middle of the crowd.
Besides potentially annoying other beachgoers and getting sand in their eyes, it’s also just not very polite.
Playing catch and volleyball in the middle of a crowd.
Since the beach is a public place, playing catch and volleyball in a big crowd isn’t a great idea. You might accidentally hurt someone or step on them. With so many people enjoying the beach, games like volleyball and catch might not be the best choice, but they’re still doable if you find the right spot.
Littering isn’t cool, not just at the beach but anywhere. It can harm a lot of people and the environment. Your trash could end up in the ocean and harm marine life. So, try to hold onto your trash until you find a garbage bin.
Letting your dog roam free.
It might seem minor, but when you let your dog run around at the beach, you need to make sure they stay away from the waves. To avoid any trouble, keep them close or consider the kind of dog you’re bringing with you.
Leaving your phone out in the sun.
To keep your phone from overheating, stash it in your bag. Too much direct sunlight can mess up your phone’s screen. So, be smart about phone usage at the beach.
Those are sseveral things you should avoid when vacationing on the beach. They may seem small, but these tips can help make your beach experience way more enjoyable for everyone.
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